Your Local Foundation ContractorsYour Alabama house or office may have foundation cracks for a number of reasons, including shifting soil conditions. Our Montgomery concrete repair specialists provide the best foundation services for residential and commercial clients in Montgomery and the surrounding neighborhoods within our service region. Our foundation & basement repair solutions offer a long-lasting solution to your structural problems using a helical pier system. Additionally, we offer various other services to provide foundation support, including installing wall anchors, floor supports, and more! We use hot-dipped galvanized steel for our pier systems to provide added corrosion protection and a longer lifespan.
Contact us today, and one of our local contractors will get in touch with you to provide a competitive cost estimate and the available service and repair options for your situation! |
When your foundation heaves or expands upward, the slab floor rises, causing cracks in your home's walls and floors; this is also known as slab heave or slab upheaval. The primary cause of this unwelcome change is the clay soils swelling or expanding underneath the foundation in response to increased moisture. Heaves can be visible in foundations, but it frequently causes problems for slabs since your home's weight exerts its entire force on the foundation.
When the clay underneath the foundation increases in moisture or freezes, the foundation or slab will move upward, leading to various issues in your home's structure, like stress, bulges, and cracks in walls or slab foundation. The most common causes of slab and foundation heave are expansive soils, frost heave, plumbing leaks, and heavy precipitation.
It's critical to identify the problem beforehand before beginning any foundation repairs. Heave-related cracks in your home can be misinterpreted by those unfamiliar with the signs of foundation uprising. Foundation settlement is the opposite of heaving, but there are some similarities in how it affects your structure. In foundation heaving, the slab undergirding the structure is being pushed up toward the center of the house, which may appear to be sinking to the untrained eye as the exterior walls are lowered. If you're trying to fix a foundation-related issue, make sure you have the correct diagnosis first.
A slab heave can be remedied by reconstructing damaged sections of the foundation. Call us today for a free no-obligation estimate on foundation upheaval repair! We serve all of Montgomery and the surrounding neighborhoods. Our expert foundation contractors will examine your infrastructural issues, correctly diagnose the problem, and implement a comprehensive solution to stabilize your foundation. No job is too big for us!
The soil changes and shifts beneath a house or building can cause foundation settlement. This shift is a significant issue for homeowners and frequently requires urgent action to prevent structural damage to the building. To many people's surprise, a poorly designed home is usually not the cause for foundation settling. Changes in the soils underneath the foundation and the soils surrounding the entire structure are the most frequent sources of damage resulting in foundation settling. Contact one of our Foundation Repair Contractors today for a thorough examination and Free Estimate!
By placing steel foundation piers underneath your foundation, we can address and fix the problems with your foundation settlement. These piers will extend from beneath your foundation and come into physical contact with solid soils that will permanently support and stabilize your structure.
Our Montgomery Concrete Contractors can recognize and correct issues related to bowed basement walls and bowed foundation walls. Bowing basement walls can be a sign of a serious foundation issue, but they can be challenging to detect. It is common for basement, crawl space, and foundation walls to move inward due to hydrostatic pressure and expansive soils. This force causes them to bend, buckle, or bulge inwards.
There can be numerous reasons why your infrastructure's walls are buckling. Here are some common signs that your basement/foundation walls need to be repaired:
Like foundational heaving, it's critical to know why the walls of your basement, crawl space or foundation are bowing before looking at any repair options. When you understand the underlying problem, you can identify the best, most long-lasting fix for foundation damage.
Unstable soil is the most frequent reason for bowing basement and foundation walls. Your foundation walls are constantly under pressure from the soil, although the intensity of this strain might change depending on the soil type. Your foundation's walls may be experiencing too much pressure due to the following soil conditions:
Excessive moisture and oversaturation: Defective gutters, downspouts, and poor outside drainage can cause the soil around your foundation to become oversaturated. Hydrostatic pressure is a force that soils can apply to the walls when they are oversaturated. It can also result in water damage and basement leaks, which may lead to the need for basement repair.
Expansive clay soils: The soil type that exists in Alabama can contain red clay. Red clay is an expansive soil, which means that when it gets wet, it expands, and when it is dry, it contracts, so preventing bowing foundation walls requires proper external drainage. Frost heave: Throughout the winter, soils experience freezing and thawing cycles. When freezing temperatures reach the ground, moisture in the soil freezes into ice structures. These ice formations cause the soil to move and strain the foundation and basement walls. |
Any problem with your settling, sinking, cracking foundations may be detected and fixed by our Montgomery foundation repair team. Our network of foundation contractors has a comprehensive set of solutions for your house foundation repair that have been tried and tested successfully.
Each solution begins with a scheduled appointment with a foundation specialist, an on-site examination, and a written foundation repair estimate. Call us at (334)-721-5205 right now or schedule an appointment online with one of our foundation experts! We are pleased to service the cities of Montgomery and the nearby communities. |